Adviser Update Summer 2016 | Page 48


Grammar and Usage

The Dow Jones News Fund offers paid , prestigious summer internships in digital media , business reporting , news editing and data journalism for digitally savvy college juniors , seniors and graduate students .
Take this sample grammar and usage quiz from a previous year ’ s exam .
For more information about the Dow Jones News Fund ’ s internship programs , visit dowjonesnewsfund . org .
1 . He said the editor didn ’ t know who / whom was best qualified to handle the story .
2 . The choice for the top two posts was among / between Smith and Jones and Miller and Sanders .
3 . The reporter dived / dove into the story with her usual aplomb . 4 . The publisher was quick to flaunt / flout her superior intellect . 5 . The editor believed firmly in the principals / principles of the First Amendment .
6 . He recorded a record 21 strike outs / strikeouts in the baseball game . 7 . Because he arrived late , the photographer didn ’ t know who / whom to shoot at the party .
8 . He was the one reporter who would hoard / horde every document he ever received .
9 . Its / It ’ s up to the publisher to pick the winning entry . 10 . The photo , that / which I hadn ’ t seen , ended up on page one . 11 . The contest raised between $ 5 and $ 7 million /$ 5 million and $ 7 million for the hospital .
12 . The publisher was quick to show everyone his embossed stationary / stationery .
13 . The publisher was not very discreet / discrete in some of his dealings with clients .
14 . The assignment is available for whoever / whomever wants to take it . 15 . A couple / couple of photos were removed after the first edition was printed .
16 . Seven stories are / is the average number the editor rejects every day . 17 . Copy editors won ’ t be affected / effected by the planned layoffs at the newspaper .
18 . Their / There / They ’ re not planning to attend the staff picnic next week .
19 . Advertising linage / lineage was down about 20 percent in the first quarter .
20 . The reporter asserted that her politics was / were her own business .
Answers : 1 . who ; 2 . between ; 3 . dived ; 4 . flaunt ; 5 . principles ; 6 . strikeouts ; 7 . whom ; 8 . hoard ; 9 . It ’ s ; 10 . which ; 11 . $ 5 million and $ 7 million ; 12 . stationery ; 13 . discreet ; 14 . whoever ; 15 . couple of ; 16 . is ; 17 . affected ; 18 . They ’ re ; 19 . linage ; 20 . were