Adviser Update Adviser Update Spring 2017 | Page 15
management consulting in New York.)
There are three major skills that I think
my experience in student-run media
gave me:
• Leadership skills - the opportunity
to be the editor-in-chief at the Echo
gave me a very early opportunity to
lead people, make tough decisions,
and manage many moving pieces
under deadline. I’m sure I did not
get it all right as a 17-year-old,
but I am confident that it gave me
experience and confidence in leading
in a professional environment that
translated to the projects and people
I have led as an adult.
• Core reporting skills - I regularly
think about how the skills in my job
are similar to the skills in journalism.
As a consultant, companies hire us
to look at problems they are facing,
identify underlying issues, make
recommendations for how to improve
and to create a compelling story for
how and why the recommended
changes will work. To me, this feels
like journalism; I use my interviewing
and listening skills to identify issues,
and my storytelling skills to create
recommendations and their potential
impact on a business.
• Writing skills - Finally, in every
job I’ve ever had, the writing skills
I developed as a student journalist
have been one of my greatest assets.