Adviser Update Spring 2012

DOW JONES NEWS FUND SPRING 2012 VOLUME 52, NUMBER 4 Inside 2012 Summer Workshops Copyright © 2012 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. 2011 Workshop Contest Winners ‘Writers do not make the story — people do’ By DIANA HADLEY A cyan black P01.V52.I4 A focus on helping magenta See A FOCUS ON HELPING on page 2A yellow n announcement that all Floyd Central HS after-school activities were cancelled due to storm warnings delayed the March 2 work session for the next issue of the Bagpiper. The major part of the storm missed Floyd Central, but less than 25 miles away, tornadoes left a path of destruction that included Henryville HS. By the next day, Darian Eswine, Bagpiper editor in chief, decided the Bagpiper had to be revamped to tell an important story that happened after deadline. Through Facebook and email requests, Eswine made contacts that generated five interviews by Monday. Thanks to an additional 25 hours of staff teamwork, the Bagpiper published on schedule with a new four-page cover story and an accompanying editorial. The editorial provided detailed information about ways to support the devastated area and suggested reviewing school procedure when storm warnings coincide with the end of the school day. The Bagpiper’s website (, which updates daily and averages 10,000 views per month, provided additional information and photos. “Reporting on this story has been an educational experience for me,” Eswine said. “I was able to meet and talk to those who were affected and those who are putting forth an effort to help.